Saturday, December 5, 2009

A dollar short

Molly, counting for Hide and Seek: "Two..Five...Eight...Nine...Yellow...White...."


Unknown said...

What??? She's at white already! But I haven't found a good hiding place?!?!?!

Teresa said...

Too cute!

pam said...

That's adorable!

You asked me a question on my blog about the bread book. Yes, it's a wonderful book. I almost hate to make bread the regular way now, when I can have some of this dough in the fridge always!

susanswenton said...

would you puh-leeze post something else. I am really getting tired of clicking to find the same old same old. Move it, Sistah.

Teresa said...

I hope this hiatus in blog updates will be followed by a juicy Christmas letter, virtual or otherwise. Look what happens when you feed us a steady diet of witty/adorable tidbits ... we get greedy! Demanding! Impatient! More! More! We want more!!